Stay Up-to-Date on COVID-19

For the latest information on COVID-19, please visit our hospital portal.

As of 10/15/20, due to the increase in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths related to COVID-19, the county has passed a resolution with two requirements:

  1. Limitation of mass gatherings to 25% of an indoor facility’s set occupancy limit.
  2. Requirement of mask or other face covering for all indoor public properties within the county.

Click here to read the official resolution from the Board of County Commissioners in Kearny County, Kansas.

Click here to read a letter regarding COVID-19 from the medical staff at Kearny County Hospital dated May 2020.

Click here to learn more about Kearny County’s current Public Risk Level.


Kearny County Hospital is now offering telemedicine appointments for Primary Care, Ear, Nose, & Throat, and Women’s Health services. Stay healthy at home with virtual care from our providers. Contact our clinic to request an appointment today.

On March 13th, Kearny County Hospital initiated its first set of operational changes in response to COVID-19. Since mid-March, we have taken steps in advance of COVID-19 to assure you and our employees safety and the safety of our family, friends, and neighbors are first and foremost.

What have we done to protect you and our employees?

  1. The main clinic was converted to well visits only. Telemedicine visits are now available as well.
  2. ENT is for time-sensitive visits and foreign object removal from ears/nose.
  3. Elective procedures have stopped. Emergency and time-sensitive procedures continue.
  4. Everyone who enters the facility is screened.
  5. All employees have their temperature taken upon arrival and departure. Our threshold temperature is 99.4. A full degree lower than suggested by CDC.
  6. The West Clinic is for sick patients. The exam rooms have negative pressure so air exchangers do not circulate respiratory droplets from one part of the building to another. Air is pushed outside. We have built isolation in the building to protect you and our employees.
  7. We have isolated as best as we can our workforce so only those that must go into HPRV and Assisted Living have permission to do so. There is no visitation in either location.
  8. Dietary serves the hospital side of the facility in our classroom to limit employees going into HPRV and Assisted Living areas of the facility.
  9. We have closed hallway doors to limit facility access. Fire escapes are fully functional.
  10. Due to the stay at home order from the Governor, we have reduced the number of workers coming each day.
  11. We have built a wall on the hospital side to keep patients from women who are in labor. We changed entry for OB (a woman in labor) to the west door on the facility.
  12. If a woman in labor is suspected of having COVID-19 or has tested positive, we have a separate birthing suite with negative pressure in the room.
  13. We have assembled temporary systems to create negative pressure rooms for the safety of patients and employees. There is no visitation of patients in the hospital.
  14. We have teams of medical providers and nurses who only work with specific patient groups to limit cross-contamination.

We are here to care for you today and tomorrow. It is our duty and mission to provide quality compassionate care to enrich the lives of our family, friends and neighbors. While the pandemic has created changes in how we connect, your healthcare needs continue and we are here to provide the services you need.